We now offer a range of Green and Digital Consultancy Services which complement and build on our Lean Capability.
In talking to our clients, we find that it is becoming increasingly difficult for them to prioritise their strategies in relation to Lean, Green, Digital and general Sustainability.
In some cases, clients are struggling to know how to approach this dilemma.
We successfully overcome this problem with our ”Sustainability Snapshot” methodology, which provides the client with a Single View of Lean, Green and opportunities. We can then jointly plan the overall best mix of strategies and use of resources.
This sustainability Sharpshot includes (but not limited to), the following elements Green Elements with can be included at Operation, Process or Overall organisation level:
While we fully support digitization, we strongly believe that it should be only deployed where it adds value, and doesn’t cause an adverse impact elsewhere.
The Sustainability Snapshot also includes the following digital assessment opportunitieses:
We also use the following Organisation wide analysis tools
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